Add lphotos using link to album in jalbum
Add lphotos using link to album in jalbum

add lphotos using link to album in jalbum
  1. #Add lphotos using link to album in jalbum manual
  2. #Add lphotos using link to album in jalbum full

Note that when a visitor enters a folder in the album, the display reverts to the regular, non-fullscreen view.

  • Fullscreen option: If selected, a fullscreen toggle icon is displayed in the title bar.
  • Link to album home: If selected, index page navigation at all levels below the top level of the album includes a "home" icon that takes the site visitor back to the main index page of the album.
  • Boxless style: If selected, the title bar and thumbnails will be shown against the body, without a surrounding box of a contrasting color.
  • Index Page & Icons Index Page & Icons » Options
  • Tooltip: If the logo is a clickable link, this is the tooltip text displayed when the visitor hovers on the logo.
  • Link to external site: If a URL is provided, the logo will be a clickable link to an external site.
  • Link to album home: If selected, the logo will be a clickable link to the top level of the album.
  • Logo on top level index page only: If selected, the logo will be displayed only on the top level index page, and not on the index pages for folders.
  • To change a logo image, remove the existing one and add a new one.
  • File: This field displays the name of the chosen file, but cannot be directly edited.
  • Add / Remove: Click Add to select a logo image to display on each index page.
  • The folder and file names themselves are not changed. User-entered titles and comments are not affected. This applies only to the actual folder and file names.
  • Display underscores as spaces: If selected, underscores in folder and file names that appear as titles, browser tabs, captions, or tooltips are displayed as spaces.
  • Otherwise, the album title is displayed in the browser tab on all pages.
  • Show folder title/name in browser tab: If selected, index pages within a folder will show the folder title (if one has been entered) or the folder name in the browser tab.
  • Include description/comment: If selected, the album description or folder comment is displayed below the album title/name or folder title/name.
  • Maximum width: The maximum width of page titles on index and info pages.
  • Index page title: The title bar on the index pages can be set to display the album title/name, the folder title/name (at the top level, this is same as the album title/name), or nothing.
  • The box radius and shadow apply both to theme images and to plain boxes used for the title area when there is no theme image. Setting the border width to 0px results in no border being applied, and setting the shadow width to 0px results in no shadow.
  • Width, Padding, Image radius, Box Radius, Shadow, Opacity: You may specify the width of the border on the theme image, the amount of padding between the image and its border, the radius applied to the corners of the image, the radius applied to the corners of the box surrounding the image, the width of the shadow, and the opacity of the shadow.
  • add lphotos using link to album in jalbum

  • Banner title bar: If selected, the title bar will span the width of the browser window, rather than being confined to a box that is slightly wider than the thumbnail table below it.
  • This setting allows you to choose the degree of dimming, with a higher number being darker.
  • Dimming: A graduated dimming or darkening layer is placed over the theme image in order to improve the readability of the album title and description that are displayed on top of it.
  • In a wider viewport, the image will be enlarged to fill the banner title bar. If it is set at 1600px, for example, the theme image will appear in its actual size until the viewport width exceeds 1600px.

    add lphotos using link to album in jalbum

    This setting tells jAlbum what image bound width to use for scaling the theme image.

  • Width: If a banner title bar is chosen, the theme image will be displayed at the full width of the browser window.
  • Height: Set the desired display height of the theme image.
  • Choosing No theme image produces an ordinary title area on all index pages. In this last case, folders will display an ordinary title area, without any theme image.
  • Use.: These radio buttons control whether each folder will show its own theme image, or whether each folder will show the top-level theme image, or whether the theme image will be shown only at the top level of the album.
  • Saturn 84 User's Manual Title Bar Title Bar » Theme Image

    Add lphotos using link to album in jalbum