Spec ops the line cutscenes
Spec ops the line cutscenes

So instead, I’ll just be trying to give you a few points on what I absolutely loved about the story and some things that I thought could be improved upon. With games that have a well-written story, I find that it’s hard to talk about them without giving too much away and I really don’t want to give anything away as it may severely dampen your reception to the story. Fortunately, I ABSOLUTELY LOVED the story in Spec Ops: The Line and anyone who loves story telling in games should most definitely check this title out. This is definitely something a video game story should strive to be as the medium is constantly evolving and it is too easy to make a grandiose story that falls flat on all accounts. At no one point during the game was it boring, dull or un-engaging. The story in this game is easily it’s strongest point.

spec ops the line cutscenes spec ops the line cutscenes

The story itself is a much deeper and interesting affair and is likely to keep gamers hooked to their screens from start to finish. Spec Ops: The Line follows the story of ‘Delta Squad’, which is a special operations team sent into a sandstorm engulfed Dubai in order to retrieve the missing 33rd Squadron. How did I come to this conclusion? Read on to find out how.

spec ops the line cutscenes

This is definitely a game where the story takes precedence and everything about this game is built to support the story, it is not a game where the story was built to support the gameplay. Some gamers will argue that gameplay is the most important aspect of a game, I would argue that it is the least important aspect of Spec Ops: The Line. Many people will make the argument that video games are a form of art.

Spec ops the line cutscenes